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Download Multiple Stock Quotes From Yahoo Finance Today

From Sobolsoft:

Download Multiple Stock Quotes

Finance Get Multiple Stock Quotes Software - Full description This software offers a solution to users who want to retrieve multiple stock quotes using Yahoo. The user simply adds stock symbols or loads a list of them from a file. A free way to download stock quotes using an API. To download multiple companies at once, simply use the “+” sign in.

Yahoo Finance Download Stock Quotes

Nov 08, 2008  Best Answer: You can get multiple stock quotes with a single query at a number of sites, including Yahoo Finance Simply enter multiple.

This software offers a solution to users who want to retrieve multiple stock quotes using Yahoo. The user simply adds stock symbols or loads a list of them from a file. There is an option to display the full name instead of the symbol in the results. There are check boxes for retrieval of: opening, high or low value, and volume, average volume and market capital. With one click the quotes for all the required stocks are retrieved and they can be saved as a text or Excel file or be copied to the clipboard for pasting.
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Multiple Stock Quotes Excel

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