1. System Utilities downloads - Xbox Backup Creator by Redline99 and many more programs are available for. This tool will allow you to easily dump, create/patch and burn Xbox and Xbox 360 images with full support for SS. 4.4 on 29 votes.
  2. Download Xbox Backup Creator 2.9 Build 0350 (594.7KB) for 360. The file 'XBOX_BACKUP_CREATOR-V2.9.0.350.ZIP' can be downloaded instantly from our 360 ISO Tools ISO Tools category.

Download Xbox Backup Creator 64 Bits - best software for Windows. Create/patch and burn Xbox and Xbox 360 images with full support for SS, DMI and PFI using. BitSpirit 3.6 Free. BitSpirit, a powerful & easy-to-use BitTorrent client.

From TGL Microsystems:

XBConnect is a network tunnel that allows you to play Xbox system link enabled games players all over the world. XBConnect software is installed on a PC that has access to broadband Internet. Once it finds your Xbox on your LAN, XBConnect connects you to a huge LAN of other Xbox players. If you can't afford Xbox Live or do not want to, then XBConnect may be your ticket to online gameplay with your Xbox.

Version supports Windows XB x64 edition.

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Xbox 360 Backup Tutorial

What do you need to know about free software?

Read the readme.txt.

Xbox Backup Creator Alternative

Change log (2.9 Build 0350):
Xbox Backup Creator v2.9 Build:0350 by Redline99
Changed - Minor tweaks to Image Browser dialog
Changed - AP25 iXtreme LT+ v3.0 method to 'Profiling'
Changed - Image Browser to better match stand alone app
Removed - Convert to SplitVid tool
Removed - ISO Tagging feature
Fixed - Ripping xgd1 titles
Fixed - xgd3 drive response SS details
Fixed - Assortment of minor issues
Added - Windows 7 Taskbar Progress
To patch the median file for LT+ v3.0
Image Tools ] select inject ] load iso ] click AP25 Sector
] load median.bin and patch ] burn with iHas Driver + BurnerMax Firmware